35 leaders present at that meeting from different districts-SAOL

Dear Panelist of Bangladesh,

It was a great time when we sit in front of management body today. We were almost 35 leaders present at that meeting from different districts. The meeting was so important & full with valuable information about Speak Asia Online Bangladesh Ltd. Management has shared all information about Speak Asia Online Bangladesh Ltd.

They shared that, Speak Asia Online Bangladesh Ltd. has Writ. Petition in Honorable High Court against Bangladesh Bank. As

soon as finished this case Speak Asia will open in Bangladesh. They have confirmed that Speak Asia surely open in Bangladesh. There don’t have any issue against Speak Asia Online Bangladesh Ltd. which can stop it launching.They have shared that Speak Asia Online Chairperson Mrs. Harren Court eager to pay all pending payment to all panelist. Because of banking clearance problem it is hanging up after resolving court matter business & payout will be start.

To think about the condition of Bangladeshi Panelist & Leaders they have come out to a solution that, by another company our old RP will be adjusted.

They have launched a company Reliance E-Biz Ltd. different entity of Speak Asia Online. But Speak Asia Online is related with E-haatbazaar. The domain name www.ehaatbazaar.com. By this website all our RP will be payout/adjusted.

Speak Asia Online Honorable Managing Director Mr. Ajoy Sarker has shared us that, when Speak Asia Online will be claim out of all problems then Reliance will be adjusted with Speak Asia & after that there will have one company.

I will share details information all facilities & opportunities tomorrow.

Thanks & Regards
Speak Asia Online Pte Ltd.(True Panelist of Bangladesh)

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